Getting Back to Work After Depression - First Steps

What would happen when you overcome your depression? Am I right to suspect that you would feel that you need to start looking for a new job or get back to your old one?
This is when it's easy to get depressed again by letting your old and new fears play havoc with your head.

First of all, sit down and make few lists.
You need a list with your expenses - what is the minimum salary that covers your living? There is no point in applying for jobs that will pay you less than you need to survive. You know it, and your employer knows it and might be specifically looking for a different profile of a job seeker. So, just don't do it, unless you share expenses with your family. Then you can sit down with them and ask what you need to earn to contribute.

Second list you need to make is with the jobs you'll never be able to do. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I, for example, know that I'll never be able to work in a call centre. I would loathe this job from the day one, and I won't even attempt applying for a job like this. Do you have something similar? Don't apply for jobs you know you would hate, because it will spiral you back into depression, and possibly unemployment.
Third list is the most pleasurable to make. Write down your dream jobs, something you would enjoy doing no matter if you're getting paid for it or not. It can be anything from a childhood secret to middle age desire to change.

Ok, so far so good and not too stressful.
Now, decide if you prepare to commute long hours or move into another city, state or country. It all of course depends on your circumstances. If you have a family to look after, talk to them and see what they are willing to do. If you don't ask you don't get, and you might be pleasantly surprised at how supportive your family members can be. This is you forth list.

Well done, guys! Go make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and relax, take a break.
The last bit I want you to do is to say to yourself "HAVE NO FEAR". Whether your depression was caused by your jobless state or by other reasons, now it's over.

All you can do is move forward step by step, admit that you can not control everything around you and strive for a happier and better future.
For more information about me and my struggle with depression, please, go to

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